
Showing posts from January, 2020

Invasive fungal rhino sinusitis and Diabetes

      Whenever as a doctor you get a patient with some serious illness which is difficult to manage,  a sense of gloominess prevails. Patients of uncontrolled diabetes do get some life threatening infections and to treat them becomes a challenge. Invasive fungal rhino sinusitis is one such dreaded infection which until recently was having almost fatal outcome and even if saved were left with serious morbidities like lost vision, lost orbit. The only effective anti fungal amphotericine is highly toxic and its liposomal variant is expensive.         Last month managed one such pt, a 50 yr old lady with uncontrolled diabetes , blood sugar levels touching 350 mg/dl admitted in the hospital with severe headache, diplopia due to ophthalmoplegia of rt eye. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy revealed pale darkening mucosa , took smear and tissue for biopsy. CT and MRI revealed opacities in adjoining ethmoid and frontal sinuses. All the picture was suggestive o...

Spontaneous CSF leak

     Last week operated a challenging case of spontaneous CSF leak in a 40 yr old young lady. She is an avid Kathak dancer and recently had gone for snorkeling. Severe headache with profuse watery discharge from nose and physicians rightly suspected it to be a case of Meningitis with CSF rhino-rhea [Brain fluid leaking into nasal passage through a defect in skull base].     Thoroughly investigated, done CT cysternogrphy and found the suspicious defect in sphenoid sinus. I myself with Dr Chandrashekhar an eminent neurosurgeon performed the surgery. It was endoscopic trans nasal surgery, defect was identified in sphenoid clivus as multiple tiny leaks in a localised area c,w some drilling done with diamond bur to make a single defect good enough to be plugged with fat , with overlay  fascia lata and glue in a five layer closure. Pack was removed on 7th post op day and pt is discharged . This is a very rewarding minimally invasive surgery for a grave problem...

Balance disorders

What is a balance disorder? A balance disorder is a condition that makes you feel giddy or dizzy, as if you are moving, spinning, or fainting, floating, even though you are standing still or lying down and feeling as if swaying or falling while walking. Balance disorder can be caused by certain health conditions, medications, or a problem in the inner ear or the brain. Dizziness is usually because systemic conditions like Anaemia, hypotension and brain disorders like stroke etc whereas giddiness is usually because of labyrinthine problems or cerebellar lesion. Labyrinth, a sensory organ in inner ear is responsible for a] balance [semicircular canals and otolithic organs]   b] hearing [snail-shaped organ called the cochlea].   The medical term for all of the parts of the inner ear involved with balance is the Vestibular system. How does the vestibular system work? Vestibular system works with other sens...